Google Chromecast and Highfive Win Good Design Awards (G-Mark) in Tokyo, Japan.
We are proud to stand next to our clients Google and Highfive to announce the win of the highly esteemed Good Design Award (G-Mark) in Tokyo, Japan, for their respective Whipsaw designed products. The popular Google Chromecast is a compact low cost digital media player that streams audio and video content directly to your TV via Wi-Fi. Highfive just launched their high-profile all-in-one video conferencing system for business use – it’s not just video conferencing, it’s team building on steroids!
“Highfive and Chromecast are both important new products in the video/audio category, where Highfive is pioneering how we communicate between TV’s and Chromecast is pioneering how we consume TV content. Each has a strong design element to help the technology really come alive and serve the end user better,” said Dan Harden President/CEO and Principal Designer, Whipsaw Inc.
The philosophy behind the Good Design Award is that good design is essential and beneficial to everyday life as it has the potential to enrich society and bring a meaningful difference to people’s lives. The initiative is organized by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion, and follows the “Good Design Selection System” (known as the G-Mark system) established in 1957 by Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan. Each year, over 1,000 companies and designers worldwide submit multiple entries in hopes of winning the desired seal of approval as represented by the Good Design Award.