HUBB Lifetime Oil Filter is awarded the Innovation by Design award
The judges at the 2016 Fast Company “Innovation by Design” award have spoken and Whipsaw is one of only 15 winners out of 1,700 entries. The Innovation by Design award was given to the HUBB Lifetime Oil Filter. This automotive oil filter offers an important environmental gain by replacing conventional disposable automotive oil filters with an all-metal, dual-core, washable oil filter that is reusable and lasts a lifetime.
IBD is an initiative of Fast Company. It honors the most innovative and disruptive design solutions to today’s business problems. This year’s judging panel selected only 15 winners from more than 1,700 international submissions across 11 categories. Winners include big-name brands like Facebook, Google and Target, and emerging companies like Kinduct and d.light. “Each of those projects represents what’s best about design today: big ideas, meticulously thought-out details, and a clear viewpoint about how we live now—and how it could be better,” states Fast Company.
“It is now a necessity for designers to solve the real problems that harm our planet, and the best reason to innovate unapologetically. Big ideas are what the IBD awards are about and that’s why it is a great honor to earn one for the reusable HUBB oil filter,” said Dan Harden, President/CEO and Principal Designer of Whipsaw.